Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A lead on Economic Recovery work -- MAYBE!

Yesterday was rainy and I was home all day. About 3:00 p.m. my phone rang. It was John McHugh in Raleigh.

He said my Representative to the House, Angela Bryant, had forwarded my last email sent to all my representatives. In it I asked help in finding any economic recovery places to work.

Thank you Angela Bryant for caring!!!!!

John is dealing on NC projects and referred me to http://www.ncrecovery.gov/ for the listing. In it I found Highway Contracts recently let and several are to my Tarboro friends at Barnhill Contracting. They are doing some road widening projects which require tree removal. I am faxing them today to request they place me on the sub-contractor list. I hope it works.

This proves if you yell and scream long enough, you just might get noticed.

I will keep you posted on the results!

This has been a 3-almost 4 year time of Grief for Lonya and me. The Biblical Recorder is addressing the suicide of a middle age conservative mega-church Pastor in the middle part of the state. You can find the articles with a google to Biblical Recorder Pastor suicide.

I have written several articles for consideration by the BR and several other publications. I think they give insight into this terrible state so many people are visiting these days.

I am just one of thousands loosing businesses, homes, marriages, friendships over a failed economy.


  1. There is a fellow last name Scott, a Harvard proff I believe who was on NPR Yesterday either here and Now, or the Dianne Rehm show you may want to consider as you claim expertise in these matters.

  2. Not a comment on this post but I could find no other place or way to say this: I just read your comments on Wade Burleson's blog and giggled. Being a South Georgia Moderate Baptist pastor, I tend (and have) to be pretty diplomatic, but I find your straight shooting refreshing. On my most irritated day I could not muster the gumption to say it your way, but I nonetheless say to you here and now, "Blessings to you."

  3. Well, Mike--

    I be a little crazy sometimes! Actually the sense of humor comes from the fact I face death or injury every time I put a saw on a big tree--especially the dead ones!

    I compile the "Joke of the Day" for my men and customers with the following theory: Should I go home to God and friends there before me, I will go with a smile on my face and a chuckle on my lips!
