Saturday, January 9, 2010

Where Is He Now???

Last night was interesting. The Deputies showed up after dark at my daughter's door to check on her. They had just been across the County to attempt service of the Protective Order to the "Bad Boy."

His parents claimed to them he was gone for the weekend. They could not go through the door to search for him. Those parents have already received a letter from my daughter's lawyer with a copy of the order enclosed. It cautions them from uttering derogatory comments about her or her parents.

We think he might be visiting his brother to lay low. His brother lives near Wilmington, a 2.5 hour drive away, but who knows. They have lied before for the bad boy they created in a home of hatred and criticism.

The sight of the Deputies did my daughter a world of good. She feels protected and cared for by our law enforcement. It is rare when officers, without being called and pushed, go ahead and do their job.

I asked my wife if they were the same men who came last week to make sure we left safely. She didn't know. I do know this: Those officers wanted so badly to have a signed and delivered Protective Order that night so they could put him in cuffs and give him what NC law provides for women in an abusive situation. They would not have done what they did, and driven some 20 miles to see my daughter face-to-face, had they not cared for what they do more than just getting a paycheck.

Nash County is blessed with officers who care. When we left under their protection they said, "We have more of these situations right now than you can imagine!"

The tight economy has everyone's nerves on edge. People who are in bad relationships can expect to be the punching bag for spouses who are more concerned about money than love.

How I wish he had been shown and taught love as he grew up. I am convinced he could be a different spouse to my daughter, and father to our grandsons.

1 comment:

  1. Carlene B says:

    Not taking up for an abuser by any stretch of the imaagination, for I have lived it. But he chose to abuse and if he wants to blame somebody he needs to look in the mirror. My ex-husband literally would not kill a fly in our house because "they only have 3 days to live anyway". He was not my abuser> This was a man that grew up, til he was 12, with an abusive father that was a drunk and would leave his 2 kids in the house for days without food. His mother was a stripper and prostitute and her way of keeping the kids in line after they went to live with her was a razor strap. It may not help a person to be raised in a bad home environment but most people just want to blame anybody but themselves for being complete asses.

    (Carlene couldn't figure out how to post it, but sent it to me by email)
