Saturday, December 5, 2009

Divorce Can Be Good

Divorce is at high levels in American society. I suspect there will be quite a bit more as the economy worsens. While some are saying we are turning around and it is getting over, I don't see it where I live.

Much of the little remaining optimism is covered by the fact Unemployment Benefits have just had another 90-day extension. You cannot imagine the jump in the workforce statistic of "unemployed," nor the people who would be in soup kitchen lines and living in tents, if that part of the picture were treated without extensions.

Unemployment Insurance if really a misnomer. True insurance spreads risk over all the holders of policies with a given company. With "Unemployment Insurance" each person getting it draws against what was paid in by his employer. When the funds run out, guess who gets the bill? The former employer!!!!! If government legislates extensions, they are only making a former employer pay for that extension.

Hey, dummy, the employer did not lay off the employee because he could afford to keep him/her! What will happen when the employer cannot pay the tab? As one tax enforcement officer told a struggling small business owner who is my fellow traveler in the struggle: "About 90% of businesses which go under, do so over tax issues." WOW!!!!!

Now to the real issue: DIVORCE.

America is at about a 50% level of marriages failing for years. One of my professors years ago asked the class: "Why is there such a high divorce rate these days?" There were many speculative responses, but none which were as accurate has his statement after the discussion.

His answer was: "We have so much divorce and so few good marriages BECAUSE so few children have grown up witnessing a good marriage!"

We think we can be clinical about life. Many children hate their parents' fighting and fussing and declare, "I will never do this when I get married!" But, like a moth to a flame, they marry a lovely person by falling in lust (everyone who marries has lust which should turn into love), live together in marriage for 1-2 years, and then recreate exactly what they witnessed as children!

I always asked couples coming to me for pre-marital counseling a simple question: "What do you think of you prospective In-Laws AND tell me the truth!" Most couched their answers in nice terms for the sake of keeping things good with their prospective mate. I'm not sure how many told me the absolute truth. Too many people lie to their minister/counselor!

Then I would explain why I asked the question: "Believe it or not, if you don't like your bride's mother, she will become more like her than you can imagine in a few years! The same is true if you don't like your husband's father!" Think long and hard on this until we meet again to discuss the meaning of the Wedding Ceremony and your vows to one another in the sight of God and those attending your wedding.

We have been fortunate with two children that there hasn't been a divorce----until 3 weeks ago! Our daughter called to tell us of the troubles she was having. It was bad enough that she has 4 boys ages 12-5. The "age 5" part comes in fraternal twins! Yep, they had 2 boys already and tried for that little girl----who turned out to be twin boys! You could have knocked all of us over with a feather as ultra-sound took a look into her womb.

What is the problem?

The bottom line is that our daughter married a seemingly nice young man who was raised in a terrible home. It was so bad his mother, when he was 3-5, often penned him to the floor and held him down while spitting and yelling in his face about how awful he was. It went on when a second child arrived and was treated as if he could do nothing wrong. My son-in-law was raised with the most awful abuse anyone could imagine.

His parents were the model of what not to be as a parent: abusive / non-loving / premarital pregnancy forcing them to wed / always focusing on "things" they could possess and gifts they could give without giving the most important gift of parents: a relationship of love and consistent guidance of that child's behaviour. It was so bad his grandmother did more than her share of positive child rearing. Then he would have to return to hell on earth with his parents. You might excuse his problems IF he were willing to work on them and do better. He has NOT!

Now my daughter, after 15 years of abuse, is seeing awful behaviour in her sons. They are disrespectful. Their language is awful and gets them in trouble at school. They have been kicked out of 2 daycares, mostly because their father cussed out the teachers. He thinks his boys saying 4-letter words and hurting each other in quarrels is "cute." My daughter is trying to raise, not just 4 active boys, but a grown child in addition who makes promises, but never follows through to make a long-term change.

Two years ago she showed up at our door with the boys and packed bags because she had found drugs hidden in the house: marijuana / cocaine. Her message to him at that time was "clean up your act or I won't be back nor will the children." He made promises, but in recent months he is smoking pot non-stop to hold down his demons. She even ignored it because it mellowed him so every night the monster did not walk through the door of the house. That monster has gotten larger and the nice guy can hardly be found. He even put a bruise on the middle child's arm which he showed to his teacher.

Social services visited. They pulled the children aside at school and quizzed them so they had to explain to fellow students why then had to talk with the lady. They interviewed in the home, but were not shown doors and walls dented by daddy's fist. They tried to put on a good image and explain the bruise as just a father jerking his son off a battery run motorcycle because he was going too fast and not doing what daddy said.

Now that my daughter has had enough, he checked into a drug rehab program--which he left after 4 days claiming he had gotten good enough to leave and they had given him pills to mellow him out--NOT. It was a bald-faced lie with smile on face. His mother called my daughter after having made the statement in the past that "I don't know how you have put up with him so long." This time she was encouraging my daughter to make amends because "after the children are gone you will have only each other."

That was the wrong question! My daughter began to think, "Do I want to put up with this worsening abusive rascal by myself for the rest of my life. I think not!!!!" Most women think more deeply than that childish man wants them to think. Out of her fogged mind, having been told she was a whore / slut / bad housekeeper / bad cook / bad (you name it), she only saw bad behaviour worsening with her boys under the influence--of, not drugs yet, but a father who does not know the meaning of love.

If you cannot love yourself, you can't love anyone else! How tragic.

We are supporting and encouraging now after 15 years of staying out of their business. Where my wife and I had listened to her "vent" and encouraged her to keep on trying, we now say, "It is time for the big bully to go." At this point we are finding out about horrible things which have been hidden for years or minimized.

Our daughter is a wise and determined lady who felt like she could handle her problems without constantly crying on her parents' shoulders. She told just enough to let us know she was unhappy. Had she told me that years ago he grabbed her by the hair in front of their children and held a knife to her throat, there would have been no need for this divorce. I would have cured or killed him with my bare hands or those of the law enforcement officers of our county!

NC has an automatic 48-hour incarceration of any abusing spouse law. Further, a Peace Warrant, can give serious jail time for one who violates the specified distance from the abused spouse. We may be lax on some crimes in NC, but this is not one!

The situation is so bad right now my wife is helping with the children as well as having present a second set of eyes bearing witness to whatever might happen should he return home. The most important thing is a second person who is loving and wise helping those boys calm down in their hell of inconsistent behaviour on the part of their father. What proves beyond a shadow of doubt that separation is needed for a year, probably to be followed with divorce, is the fact my wife witnessed the 12-year-old come in from a time with daddy this week to tell his mother she was a slut/whore! He got a serious talking to by Gam and he better be glad PaPa wasn't there!

I "abused" my son's posterior when he was about 4 for disrespecting his mother. I came in to find a ruckus going on in his bedroom with my wife over him laid on the bed trying to get her dog brush to his nerves running straight from the behind to the center of a child's brain. She was loosing to that squiggling and foot/hand flailing child. Daddy had no problem, with his strength, tickling that special nerve!

Before I gave him his lesson I stooped down to look him straight in his evil little eyes. I told him he was going to get a spanking he would remember for the rest of his life, AND if I ever saw it again what he got now was the T-I-P OF THE I-C-E-B-U-R-G (slowly and distinctly spoken so he knew I meant business) as to what it would be if I had to spank him again.

My son got the message which was applied until real tears came to the eyes of that hard-nosed rascal. His approach with momma was to take her licks without crying so it made her even madder and made her quit. A wise father does not quit until the job is done. After the lesson I let him lay his head on my shoulder hugging him until the tears quit flowing. I told him how much I loved him and how I wanted this never to happen again from here on out.

IT NEVER DID. Just like with my father, one jig danced at the end of his punishment tool was enough to make me promise I would never do it again (nor would I punish my child in such a way). All head strong children need someone to set them straight before the Juvenile Justice System has to try and deal with them. It is usually a failure because the child had gotten away with too much up to that time, and no one cared enough to straighten them out.

Head strong children, just like me, can almost guarantee they will have a head strong child. In fact, head strong people are the ones who endure frustration to conquer the challenges of life. As long as they don't become so successful as to ignore this own head strong offspring, there will be continuous generations of wise and resourceful people to keep this world going.

How many "successful" people do you know who don't have spoiled children who squander everything their parents made with bad behaviour / drugs / alcohol / abuse / even spending life in prison for murdering someone?


  1. It is a grief, but a necessary one. Having been through the process of divorce as a child and again as an adult, I can say that sometimes a divorce is a good thing. The proof is in the fact that murder happens often, where divorce doesn't. After all, isn't divorce a better option than murder? Even God, who hates divorce as he said, actually did it and put it in the record (Jer.3:8). So when the case is just and some people are judgmental of all who have had to suffer that worse-than-death tragedy, then the judges have judged God and themselves. Personally, I would not want to be in their shoes. Judging God ain't exactly a wise thing to do.

  2. Thanks, Jim--

    Many have described divorce as a "living death."

    The same steps into recovery will come my daughter's way in months to come and we will be there to support her.

    In case anyone has not seen my article on grief recovery, I encourage a skip back to it.

    I do not believe God encourages divorce, but I am sure he understands that people who have no love--in my daughter's case only pity--it is best to find love elsewhere.

    Her first step is to restore love and happiness to the lives of her 4 precious boys!

  3. Thank you for sharing your pain, truth and hope for tomorrow! I have unfortunately had two marriages, my first was a case of two hurt people attempting to live a healthy life. Needless to say 2 sickies don't make a wellie! It lasted a short time (3 years together), enough to have 2 children.

    My second lasted 18 years nearly 15 of them married. However, the stress of some serious financial failure and decisions on my part played a heavy role in our stress. The weird thing was we did not fight often we slowly grew apart.

    I never thought it would happen, but it did. I viewed divorce as an option for people that go through what you described your daughter going through. Not for situations like mine.

    Life goes on, and we all grow or we don't and we live miserably.

    Dan :)

  4. Dan--

    I was a full time minister for 16 years and do part time ministry yet. This blog is an attempt on my part to minister still.

    My first great disappointment with ministry was the lack of honesty from the congregants to the minister. By the time I found out about a pending divorce, so much water had gone under the bridge that I was usually just saying a blessing over a decision already made!

    Marriages are like trees: they become stronger with adversity (wind / rain / drought / etc.) or they blow down or die.

    Trees, with which I have worked professinally since 1999, are killed and weakened most often by too much competition! It is just as bad to have too many as to have too few. The root of our failed economic problems is propping up weak trees which blew down or leaned. I hate to say it, but the basis of a good economy and free market is the survival of the FITTEST!

    Your situations sound like the COMPETITION problem in one case and the ADVERSITY problem in the other. I have been married 41 years. In those years we have had 2 children, now grown, 2 church firings, we lost our house last year to foreclosure. Right now I have $6 in my pocket and no one is even hiring me to do a light pruning job which costs as little as $50!

    Fortunately we still love one another! We are both angry at not enough money even for Christmas presents, but we will have a Christmas filled with love whether we ever get the house decorated of give each other any presents. My best present would be my lovely 60 year old bride sipping a glass of champaigne beside me with candles lit, a filmy negligee and the heat high enough to sit there nude if we want! You fill in the rest!

    This is why I started this section with an economic perspective. We are seeing more tragedy as things get worse. I hope you have read my prior posts about Grief.

    In effect, divorce is a living death and you go through the same stages. My daughter is now at the Anger / Hostility stage and that means she is almost emotionally back to good health again.

    I pray for you this same result. It is tragic you have had 2 and you explained your problems. They are normal.

    I like what have you learned so that, hopefully you may succeed if a third opportunity should come your way. I likely will!!!

    We all make mistakes. God does not want anyone to live in Hell which is a simple description of a bad marriage. These days, it is more probable that our "liberated" women will be the source as much or more of a bad marriage. Since they can now work and make enough money not to depend on their husband's income, they are being more honest with themselves about being miserable in a marriage.

    More often than not, this misery is within either spouse rather than one inflicting it on the other as a first step. In our daughter's case, the misery was there from the beginning with the so unloved son-in-law. Now he is telling my daughter they should back date the papers to the first day he left the house.

    This tells me he already has a new target for his sick love. She is probably naive and easily trainable in his mind to tolerate his bad and sick "love." He is a charmer just like a Cobra before it inflicts a death bite to the person's artery so they die within a few steps.

    God help his 3rd target. He already had one before my daughter! Until he learns to love himself, he is a sick tree just waiting for another wind storm or drought to take him out or marriage 3.

    How sad for him and I believe your pruning and uprooting is over because you now know yourself better than ever before.

  5. Gene, you are quite right: "A divorce is a living death." In a sense, it is worse than a death, because the effects are so devestating; they are living effects. I think God provided an example of Himself being divorced just to help people suffering from that affliction, one of the worst of afflictions. What gives me a sense of hope is that God can bring good out of such evil as He did in the sacrifice of His Son.
